The world is in a battle between Globalism/Oligarchism Vs. Nationalism/Republicanism

The Oligarchy controls the USA by controlling both sides of the false political spectrum of the Democrats & Republicans.

The Republicans are now divided between:

The RINO Establishment Fascist Internationalist Banksters/Corporatists

The America First MAGA Patriots

The Democrats are now all the same:

Globalist Socialists

Since so many people are now asking, “Who is really running the country?”

Here’s the Deep State reality:

The USA is controlled by the British Globalist Fascist Oligarchy.

US Foreign Policy is dictated by the British Royal Institute of International Affairs (Chatham House) through its U.S. subsidiary, the Council on Foreign Relations. US Monetary Policy is dictated by the British-controlled Bank for International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland through its US subsidiary, the Federal Reserve. And US National Security is dictated by the British-controlled “Five Eyes” intelligence network (UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and USA).

The FBI/MI5 and CIA/MI6 and NSA/GCHQ weren’t created to protect the citizens of the USA and subjects of the U.K., but to protect the wealth, interests, and NWO agenda of the British Globalist Fascist Oligarchy.

Always remember, the US State Department is run by the Council on Foreign Relations, and the CFR is the US subsidiary of the British Royal Institute of International Affairs (Chatham House).

The Origins of the Deep State in North America Part I: The Round Table Movement


New Revelations Shed Light on the British Roots of the Deep State


The Anglo-American Pilgrims Society (1902)


Hillary Clinton describing the CFR as the “Mothership” from which the State Department gets its marching orders:


Remember, Dick Cheney was a CFR executive and hid that fact from his Wyoming constituents:



How Cecil Rhodes Fathered the Modern Globalist Movement: a Timeline


The Origins of the Deep State in North America

Part I: The Round Table Movement




The Pilgrim Society’s Empire Press Union created MI5, MI6 and GC&CS, now GCHQ in 1909.

All the leading British and American newspapers were weaponized in 1909 by the British Government-led Pilgrims Society: Daily Telegraph, Daily Mail, Times, Daily Mirror, Daily Express, Sunday Times, Observer, Financial Times, Washington Post, New York Times, Chicago Tribune, Boston Globe, etc.

As radio and television emerged in the 1920s, the list of Pilgrim-weaponized intelligence propaganda media expanded to BBC, NBC, CBS, ABC, MSNBC, CBC, CNN, CNBC, Comcast and now FOX.

The C.I.A., FBI, NSA and State Department are the step-children under Pilgrims Society (British) control today.


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Aug 20·edited Aug 20

[Part 2 of this user's response]

Attack the CAUSES....NOT the SYMPTOMS of this migration crisis!!! There is no such thing as an "iLleGaL iMmIgRaNt" and GDP is not to be viewed strictly as a profit-and-loss balance-sheet! It is a Rebloodlican fallacy to believe that only successful/developed nations export more than they import and that unsuccessful/developing-or-undeveloped nations import more than they export. The alleged flying-city-state of "Hy Brasil", alleged to have been sighted off BOTH the coasts of Ireland and New Zealand, for example, might carry a developed civilization that might import more than they export and there are CIA "front-companies" whose sole-purpose was NOT "to make money", but to accomplish a task and then go out-of-business. There are intangible factors at-play here that are not spoken of, or even known about, within such Rebloodlican pro-wall spheres-of-influence.

For example: the head of AriEmmanuel's "Endeavor" -- the parent company of both UFC and now WWE -- MarkShaprio, recently came out and said that WWE were going to scale back on doing non-televised live-events in "C-and-D counties", because he thought they were a waste of money. However, there's far more than the short-term profit of only touring "A-and-B counties" than the shortsighted individuals, perhaps wishing for instant-gratification, another irrational behavior spurred on by collectivism, as talent in the performing arts, be they football players, cage fighters, or prowrestlers, NEED to "get their reps in", because, as the old saying goes, "practice makes perfect"! IF such talent are not able to practice in front of smaller venues, they are not able to work out new moves and "finishes" in veritable "test-markets" for greater success in said "A-and-B county" shows! Merchandise departments also lack a test-market for new gimmicks and toys before being sold nation-or-world-wide! In addition to talent and marketing, many people live in such "flyover-country" and could give rise to competition if they feel they are being neglected, or mocked, and could become fiercer fans capable of doing repeat-business, because the city-folk will always be there, as there's enough to go around to attend a show in a city, but those fans may be more casual and not do as much business, even when the company is in bad shape, because it's the on the onus of the country-fans to travel to the big city to see the show, and many countryfolk don't want to, nor are capable of, such travel. Many fans in "C-and-D counties" may be "right-wingers" (individualists) and at the end of the day, all companies and entrepreneurs are not selling products and services....they're selling IDEAS! If a firm portrays itself as being "right-winged", it would behoove said firm to tour "right-winged" counties, even "C-and-D" ones, to return the loyalty of those fans who would be more responsive to their ideas, and to gain news ones, in-turn, FROM, who are the firm's target-audience in the first place! Why would a firm want to promote shows in Portland, Oregon, where their talent may be harassed and their shows crashed, as opposed to Jacksonville, Florida, where talent may feel safer being among their own people that respect the Rights of others, instead of demanding adherence to their own beliefs they were indoctrinated into having?

Anyways, all that to say: Rebloodlicans/nationalists like to tout that "American culture" is superior to anyone else's in the world, yet....they want to put up a wall and require all these documents in order to cross an arbitrary line-on-a-map that many do not agree with, even those who agree with having such lines, in order to attend a funeral or wedding or business conference that such an individual was INVITED to attend! How two-faced is that? IF "American culture/western culture" (all "countries" being imaginary, by the way, and "western" being a dog-whistle for ethno-natties, because the Earth is a planet where "east" and "west' can be interchangeable given one's orientation, with only "north" and "south" truly existing) is SO GREAT....why, then, would one not wish for it to test its mettle against, say, Hispanic/Latin culture? IF it were so great, would it not diffuse into such regions and cause such people to become "American/western"? IF one's argument cannot be challenged by a debate, well, it must be a pretty weak argument!

There is no "politics", only "poly-ticks" and politics is just the impressment of Dark Triad Psychology upon the free market, which otherwise fixes itself! Such arbitrary lines that are not private property borders are just monopolists in-bed with other monopolists wanting to control the free-flow of goods and services in a region beyond their own private properties, thus, irrational involuntarism. This is just the desire for a "captive audience"!

For example: As GusDemos said at this past "Dollar Vigilante Internationalization and Investment Summit" preceding "Anarchapulco 2024", the Latin American and Mediterranean people will, in large part, not tolerate the androgynous/"transgender" agenda(s), because of the binary concept of the masculine and the feminine being ingrained into their very own languages and dialects alone! These people were largely raised as warriors in the past, and, IMHO, "genetic-memory" is real, and these people were NOT raised to "hate themselves" with "white, liberal guilt", as preyed upon by politicians in the classic "Convoy" movie with KrisKristofferson from the 1970s (a "new-right" movie). WALLS ARE USED AS MUCH, IF NOT MORE, TO KEEP PEOPLE IN, THAN THEY ARE AT KEEPING PEOPLE OUT!!! Look at ChairmanMao using The Great Wall of China to keep targets in for his "Great Leap Forward" and quelling of rebellions! Is a cross-continental wall and such documentation (like "R.E.A.L. I.D.s") not capable of being used by a competing, successor regime to better force people to get the tainted-jab and die of Event-201??? Did DonJuan not give JoeBlow a new toy to play with? Even Dr. RonPaul said, years ago, that walls would be used to keep people in, rathr than out!

Want a solution to the migrant crises facing the world today? This user believes, as this user attempted to write below on this very comment section, that private companies footing the bill for "company-towns", a la MiltonHershey's company-town a century ago, where he did not fire a single employee from during The Great Depression, for the repatriation of said migrants, at a one-to-one investment ratio (to give them "skin-in-the-game" and stave off neocolonial abuses), is the way to go! It's a win-win-win scenario, because they get to go home, be safe due to private security, and benefit the so-called "western" economies home of the patron-companies, and said host "countries" don't succumb to violent clashes of culture nor do the welfare-states of the "gangs of men", that H.L.Mencken called government, be strained out of operation! The only ones who lose-out in a free market are those "new world order" agents and those afflicted by Dark Triad Psychology otherwise!

In conclusion: this user falls back on that old axiom that, "that which governs best, governs least", to its logical conclusion of no government whatsoever and only free market options in arbitration and defense of private property and personal wellness, all empowered by sound money!

Since DISQUS allots for more text space than substack does, one could read this user expound upon this issue more under the doctor's article on this on his personal website: https://www.michaelrectenwald.com/essays/immigration-crisis-crossing-border-insanity

Peace, Luv, Logic, Truth, and Anarchy!

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[Part 1 of this user's response, because the original was too long for substack to accept]

With respect, most of this is well-researched and a lot of what this user has known for roughly eight, almost nine, years now, as a former big-time fan of "Infowars" (among some four-dozen other truth-and-liberty-oriented organizations and personalities), but the one/main thing this user disagrees with here is the opening bit about how it's "Globalism/Oligarchism vs. Nationalism/Republicanism", here's why:

There IS a "UniParty", as Haim-and-Adelson (the top, or near-the-top, Democrip and Rebloodlican Party donors; "Democrips and Rebloodlicans" being a reference to a Jesse "The Body" Ventura book, subtitled "No More Gangs In Government") are pictured seated side-by-side next to one another and not all Rebloodlicans (and to a lesser-extent, not all Democrips, as evident by, not only RFK Jr.'s support as well as the socialist Berniebots, but also the rift between the O'Dronebummuhs and Killary "Ku Ru" Klin-tonites) are in-lockstep with one another, as many are "neocons" in the vein of NikkiHaley, the late JohnMcCain, LindsayGraham (McCain's friend and apprentice), MichaelBolton, and VictoriaNuland, the likes of which Dr. RonPaul and The Anti-Neocon Report's RyanDawson WARN people about!

It's NOT "globalism vs. nationalism" (that's nationalist rhetoric), it's statists and Central Banksters vs. everyone else, as MOST people ARE not Evil people! It's statism vs. libertarianism, with a communist-dictatorship being the logical conclusion of statism and anarcho-capitalist agorists being the logical conclusion of libertarianism.

BOTH sides (regardless of any subclass within either side) of the UniParty are NOT friends of freedom and truly free markets! One can go on and on about the Democrips ad nauseum, but Rebloodlicans shouldn't get a free-pass here out of some misguided, albeit well-intentioned, sense of "pragmatism" (as "there is no such thing as a pragmatic libertarian", per the title of a great article by Prof. DonaldJ.Boudreaux for AIER)! This "Great Wall of Trump" is nothing more than another example of "communal property", and communal property is inefficient (per many a Foundation for Economic Education article) and supersedes private property Rights; private property, also, is pre-political, as AnthonyDeJasay postulated.

For example: IF the State claims it is needed to mint and enforce private property contracts, who, then, authorized the State? Its own definition debunks itself because the State was NOT always around! At some point in the "chicken-and-the-egg" conundrum (not a paradox), a chicken had to have hatched from the egg of a being that was not at least 50% "chicken", if not born otherwise from the likes of an ancient alien's test-tube, therefore, as the egg came before the chicken, at least two individuals, likely afflicted with "Dark Triad Psychology", voluntarily came together to form the first State! Therefore, an "expediency" (as HenryDavidThroreau calls all government as being naught more than, and usually INexpedient) is capable of being formed outside of the purview of a State!

Now, Rebloodlicans (let alone virtually-all Democrips throughout history and probably by-definition) are also guilty of perpetuating the philosophy of involuntarism; of succumbing to the unsustainable business model that "the ends justify the means", therefore, of the folly of combating collectivism....with more collectivism, this oxymoronic "right-winged collectivism".

These well-intentioned paleocons, like Dr. PaulGottfried (who should not be a Mises-Fellow, IMHO, after hearing him speak at an event and hearing how he doesn't believe in "Rights" and offers up next-to-no real solutions to the problems at-hand other than succession) don't need to invite the monster in, if they become the monster on their own! Tariffs are just another form of taxation, and just because the mother wants to bring in, artificially, bad men for her daughter to marry, that doesn't preclude a father needing to understand that if he wants to have grandchildren and a loving family and legacy, he's got to understand that tariffs only keep potential son-in-laws at-bay, and domestic taxes on his daughter to go out only prevent her from doing so, and the logical conclusion of both of these paths is hatred towards him from somebody and no loving family nor legacy after him! "Humans" (however one wishes to define that as either one particular race or the amalgamation of several races star-seeded here from other star-systems that are just sexually-compatible) are a defiant species. People do NOT like being told what to do and where to go or not to go. Many will act out in direct opposition to such edicts, thus, leading to self-fulfilling prophecies. "The-more-you-tighten-your-grip-Tarkin-the-more-star-systems-will-slip-through-your-fingers" were wise words by "Princess Leia Organa" in "Star Wars: Episode Four: A New Hope"!

There's a great poem out there by a children's doctor that is entitled "Your-Children-Are-Not-Yours" that was read at the "AnarKids Camp" at "Anarchapulco" in early 2023 that one can find a video of on vigilante dot tv. (This is NOT in the same vein as the one black/Negroid/Sirian-B woman's belief stated on an Infowars interview, years ago, where she said that parents need to stop thinking their children are their own and that they "belong to everybody", which is even worse; long before Hans-HermannHoppe wrote "Democracy: The-God-That-Failed", plagiarist-Plato even knew that Democracy doesn't work, when he said that tyrannies fall to aristocracies, which, in-turn, fall to democracies, which, in-turn, give rise to new, worse, tyrannies! In a tyranny, every individual gives up self-ownership to one other person; in an aristocracy, every individual gives up self-ownership to a handful of others; and in a democracy, everyone gives up self-ownership to everyone else!

As now-ousted-from-the-truth-and-liberty-movement (such as by the likes of the great MichaelMalice) chairman of the AynRandInstitute, one YaronBrook, actually correctly stated, years ago: "The group cannot reason. Only the individual can reason."

"Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups" is a GREAT quote to remember! Ever wonder why the likes of Leopold, George the Third, KarlMarx, VladimirLenin, JosefStalin, AdolfHitler, ChairmanMao, PolPot, GeorgeCrowley-BushCraft, BarackHusseinSoetoroDavisKissingerO'Dronebummuh, CreepySleepyScrantonJoePedoPeteBidet don't go on long-form interview shows that AREN'T for-show and in a closet-like space, at least for long? Because that would require a point-of-inflection and examination-of-conscience and the capability to reason, whereas it's actually a minute-possibility more probable that one is able to convince someone else to do something heinous, in a large group at, say, the Reichstag auditorium, because of the propensity for irrational thoughts and behavior to take root when individuals are de-individuated in large groups; a "herd"-like mentality emerges and is empowered and many succumb to peer-pressure. This is why BernieSandanista couldn't go for more than an hour at-most on "TheJoeRoganExperience", for fear of being exposed as an idiot, whereas the likes of AlexJones and EddieBravo and Dr.JordanB.Peterson can go for some three-to-five hours on the same podcast in such a tight, little space!

"No true statist really knows what it is they are actually talking about" is a GREAT quote by LarkenRose for one to remember!

Another great quote was from MarkPassio at "Anarchapulco 2018", during his inaugural "Anarchy-and-the-Occult" presentation, whereby he WARNED listeners against succumbing to right-brain-dominant naivete in the face of cynicism, and vice versa, against succumbing to left-brain-dominant cynicism in the face of overwhelming naivete. BALANCE should be the goal, for falling prey to such cynicism and/or naivete leads to such aforementioned de-individuation and irrational thoughts and behavior and unsustainable business models based on the ends-justifying-the-means, because the abstract "group"/"collective" no longer sees the individual as a sovereign being, worth respect; an end unto itself; but, instead, as a means to one's own end.

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Jul 12Liked by Michael Rectenwald

Well said:

"Much of this funding ostensibly comes through religious and other “philanthropic” organizations, which makes opposition to the funding appear antihumanitarian and invidious. However, the funding mostly originates from the federal government, which funnels it into NGOs. This means that the funding has been extorted from taxpayers, who not only foot the bill for immigration but also suffer its consequences."

And it needs to stop. Mass immigration, in the US/EU, is but part of the globalist agenda to enslave humanity. Put succinctly our common enemy is the globalist cabal.

In the first week of June (2024) the EU elections resulted in huge wins for what they call the "right" and what I more accurately call the Anti-Globalists. It is well summarized by this commentator in the video below where he says the following. "Europe's populists have emerged from different political Traditions. They disagree with one another over the war in Ukraine, on questions of tax and public spending on welfare, abortion, and other social policies. Some are more unsavory and liberal than others. But what unites pretty much all of them is a fierce opposition to the Ironclad consensus of the Brussels bureaucracy particularly on sovereignty, migration and Net Zero."

The Anti-Globalist Revolution is gaining traction in the US, EU and around the world

Why Globalist Corporate Media refuses to adopt the Anti-Globalist Paradigm

BRUCE CAIN, JUN 23, 2024


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Aug 20·edited Aug 20Liked by Michael Rectenwald

A pet-peeve of this user's is how Europeans/the British try to classify (whether they believe it or not) "NatSocs" (Nazis) as being "right-wingers" and vice versa, when, in fact, NatSocs were/are LEFTIST, because as socialists (some of them Pinkos who were "red-beneath-the-brown") were collectivists! It's in their freaking NAME for cryin'-out-loud: "National SOCIALIST German Worker's Party"! The Eurosphere State tries to hide this by conflating what is actually "right-winged" (individualist) with that, and it's cringeworthy.

This user, as an anarcho-capitalist-minded individual, is as "right-winged" as one can get because anarcho-capitalism/agorism is the logical conclusion to libertarianism (and the only real libertarians are "right-libertarians", i.e., The-Mises-Caucus, as opposed to many in the "Libertarian Party"-proper; ChaseOliver, for example, is a PLANT, just as BillWeld was a Killary "Ku Ru" Klin-ton ally), also known as "voluntar(y)ism".

These quote-unquote "far-Right" coalitions in Europe are not, actually, all "Right", because they're a lot closer to national-socialism than libertarianism/anarcho-capitalism. Spotting an AnCap-minded individual in Europe is like spotting a unicorn (that said, this user knows of a couple over there that are nice and do good work). The usual best-available candidates are of the "classical-liberal" variety, however, that still goes too far, because as LarkenRose said, "Minarchy does NOT exist" and as EsoTheFree pointed out six years ago, there are differences between "classical-liberalism", "liberalism-proper", and "libertarianism".

"Classical-liberalism" is based upon doctrine and adherence to doctrine. The whole "living, breathing document" nonsense people hype up the Constertution as being, when all the signers of said document are long-dead and, as LysanderSpooner, posited, it has either "allowed for such atrocities to happen, or was powerless to prevent them" and is of "No Authority" (to the unsubscribed).

"Liberalism" is just trying to achieve a certain type of government, however, there IS NO MAGIC NUMBER TO MAKE GOVERNMENT WORK, whether that be a singular individual in a tyranny, nor a handful of people in an aristocracy, nor everyone giving up self-ownership to everyone else in a democracy, as plagiarist-Plato noted each give rise to the next in a vicious cycle. Even the co-founder of Reddit's "parpolity" of seven councils of seven individuals each doesn't work (or that guy who said the same, only with eight councils of eight people).

"Libertarianism" is based upon metaphysical principles, something the other philosophies lack!

Anyways, this user thinks people should go after the root CAUSES of such migration crises, and NOT the mere SYMPTOMS of them, the latter of which usually entails the curtailing of civil liberties and human Rights, namely through the demand of recognition of "communal property", of which is "inefficient", per at least one Foundation for Economic Education article. Prof. DonaldJ.Boudreaux wrote a great article for AIER entitled, "There Is No Such Thing As A Pragmatic Libertarian". When "pragmatism" (high time-preference) wins out over principles, one is behaving irrationally and usually under a herd-like mentality that de-individuates others as a mere means-to-one's-own-end, while setting a precedent for others to do the same to that one, instead of recognizing, and through such behavior better lending one's self to being recognized, as one's own end unto itself!

There's no such thing as an "iLlEgAl iMmIgRaNt" outside private property violations. Neither DonnieDiddler nor the high-heeled JustineCastreau have the right to hinder the freedom-of-movement of another sovereign individual. As now-ousted-from-the-truth-and-liberty-community-by-the-far-better-MichaelMalice, head of TheAynRandInstitute, YaronBrook, once correctly stated, "The group cannot reason. Only the individual can reason." All "countries" are IMAGINARY, ABSTRACT CONCEPTS with arbitrary lines drawn on a map!

This user thinks allowing the free market to fix itself via non-State private firms footing the bill for company-towns, the likes of MiltonHershey had a century ago, whereby he did not fire a single employee during The Great Depression, operated by repatriated migrants returning to their homelands and protected by private security, at a one-to-one investment ratio (to give them "skin-in-the-game" and stave off neocolonial abuses) would be a net boon to BOTH the economy of the host "country" and the new migrant town back home, whilst easing the stress upon the welfare-state of the State and reducing violence stemming from clashes of culture.

Since DISQUS allots for more text space than substack does, one could read this user expound upon this issue more under the doctor's article on this on his personal website: https://www.michaelrectenwald.com/essays/immigration-crisis-crossing-border-insanity

Peace, Luv, Logic, Truth, and Anarchy!

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Borders are important. And a nation without borders will not long remain a nation. I have nothing against most immigrants, however, in both the US and EU the indigenous people have been put last. And that is simply wrong. There is nothing wrong with looking after your own.

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Have to agree-to-disagree here; this is where the paleocons/"minarchists", like Dr. PaulGottfried, who think Man is "corporate": Man is an individualist species, not a collectivist one. "Hierarchies are Naturally-occurring and should be supported" may be a true quote by Dr. JordanB.Peterson, however, it should be noted that only VOLUNTARILY-CONTRACTED ones should be supported, and NOT these coercive ones that purport people to be "born into" and somehow every baby born these days owe this abstract construct they never subscribed to some $250K!

There is no "social-contract", the amenities and civil liberties enjoyed by individuals come from the free market and NOT the State; "Rights" are derived from Nature and NOT the State; if anything, the State HINDERS the Rights of others, even by merely existing as the State itself is a coercive monopoly (all of which are artificial and not Naturally-occurring) on credit (tokens-of-faith in one's labor), arbitration (minting and interpretation of private property contracts), and defense (enforcement and protection of said contracts and personal wellness) over a given region.

If one boils down these concepts to their basic elements, what is actually being argued here? Someone is in distress, someone comes and saves that person from their distress. WHY, oh why, MUST it only be State police that can do this, and non-State actors are forbidden from doing so, even PUNISHED (such as a vigilante being shot after apprehending a criminal out west a couple of years ago) for their altruism?

The philosopher AynRand tried to warn people about the dangers of "pathological altruism", that is to say, altruism (or what appears to be altruistic behavior and might be a sociopathic-narcissist virtue-signaling for kudos or someone with unrealized paternal or maternal instincts gone unfulfilled acting out because of that) that demands the giving up of one's own well-being, even that of others not involved, in order to expedite the saving of someone else. It is an unsustainable business model that only leads to ruin. This is why she wrote "The Virtue of Selfishness".

"Selfishness" is NOT to be conflated with "greed", which is a vice. Being selfish is just looking out for one's own self, however, greed entails negative/offensive action being taken against someone else in order to screw them over, even if one doesn't need, nor use, that particular scarce good or service being mutually-sought-after.

It is in the free market only (the logical conclusion of is a world with no government nor Central Banks, i.e., "AnCapistan") that one's ideas are weighed and judged against others as well as the scope and solutions to their problems. I've been chastised by someone online recently upon suggesting the first thing one should do in the apocalypse would be to (re?)establish an economy, and that individual responder thought people would have other, better, things to do than establish an economy, like scavenging for food, water, and shelter. But, see, those are all commodities and in ShawnRitenour's Mises University Week presentations over the years, he shows that, when "the Marx brothers" are stranded on an island, a la "Robinson Crusoe", it would behoove them to establish an economy-of-scale to better allocate resources either raising cattle or growing mangoes, to have the best, longest, odds of surviving, and even thriving, whilst stranded there.

The State, being a monopoly with other monopolists of the corporatocracy/kakistocracy/Psychopathocracy (per a GregCaton book title) at "the table", does NOT, in actuality, PRODUCE ANYTHING! "All the State has, it STOLE", is a great quote by the likes of H.L.Mencken to remember. There is NOTHING the State can claim to produce that the free market cannot produce faster, better, and cheaper!

A "nation" is just a group of people. It DOES NOT NECESSITATE a "nation-State"! There's a YouTuber/online content producer/personality/gonzo-/yellow-journalist named FaithGoldy(-Bazos) who believes that "God loves the nation-State". This user, however, disagrees with her and that take (among others), and hasn't been a fan of, nor followed, her in six-years, since she started acting crazy (she means well, IMHO, and was raised in two churches because she grew up in a dysfunctional family that destroyed itself and has nothing from it; it's been said her father killed her mother and her sister is in-jail for being a hooker) and falling in with the ethno-natty crowd (another collectivist/socialist group that masquerades as "right-wingers").

The nation-State has done nothing BUT be, if anything, "un-Godly", as it is a monopoly that wishes to take the place of the nuclear family and religion, which is why it has warred against the nuclear family and religion since its inception! As LarkenRose wrote in, "The Iron Web", statists aren't athiests, oh, no....statists merely worship the State as Deity!

This is why this user left "Roman" Catholicism: for their hypocrisy! One of which is how they can tell their parishioners to vote in State (s)elections and adhere to State mandates, such as during KOBE-19/Event-201, while claiming to be followers of Yeshua-of-Nazareth (his name wasn't/isn't "Jesus", that was/is a mistranslation from Greek), who was killed BY Pontius Pilate and the State! Why support the selfsame construct that killed their supposed-savior???

IMHO, the only, TRUE, Christians, are the anarchists! Read Ephesians 6:12!

The only "borders" that are important, and that (actually) exist and should be supported, are that of private property borders, NOT the made-up, inefficient "communal property borders" arbitrarily drawn on a map by those afflicted by Dark Triad Psychology or the ignorant or cowardly otherwise.

And most-all of the people not of Native descent in the region of landmasses colloquially called "the Americas" are not "indigenous", because they immigrated here to get away from mad kings and collectivist policies in the likes of Europe.

Yes, there is "nothing wrong with looking after" one's own, but the nation-State does not do that by definition, by default! It is INCAPABLE of doing that, because, as the Bible says, "one CANNOT serve two masters"! What happens when another family that subscribes to the same State has a differing, even opposite, opinion or solution to a problem? Who does the State go with then? "ChEcKs-AnD-BaLaNcEs" this user's rear-end! As Samuel"MarkTwain"Clemens once wrote, "If voting actually did anything, they would've made it illegal." Hard to argue with the gentleman who wouldn't "let his schooling get in the way of his education"! Causes not the symptoms, muh man.

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I guess I will "agree to disagree" as well. The people of the US and EU want to see an end to illegal immigration which is the 1st or 2nd greatest concern of the citizens. In the US Biden has probably brought in over 20 million in less than four years. That is nearly 10% of the current US population and is completely unsustainable.

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Aug 21·edited Aug 21

[Response to this reply, part 2]

This user goes for walks around their neighborhood (five subdivisions' worth, actually) on a near-nightly basis and picks up trash the drunk drivers litter out their windows (because the pigs do nothing about it, despite five of them, and an FBI agent, living here, and the lawn-service is a complete scam-at-worst and joke-at-best), and would see both KamalaHarris stickers put up by an insane feminazi daycare facilitator, whom this user has overheard disparaging men to her colleagues, and also sees Drumpf-elephant stickers, sometimes in Ukraine-flag colors, as well, all posted on power-boxes and, appropriately-enough, doggie-waste-bins.

Now, being that they're not on private property, this user considers them to be fair-game and takes them all down and even wrote some AnCap messages, hoping to wake these poor boomers up that were brainwashed into a false-dichotomy. Just like this user did on their last campus back in their college days, years ago, when someone would put up Antifa recruitment propaganda and other socialist agitprop, and all the pigs ever did was chase after this pedestrian!

What happens in the nation-State when the cops don't do their jobs and are given stand-down orders, such as what InfoWars filmed out in California a few years ago, allowing for rioters to loot and demolish private properties? What happens when said nation-State all-but-AUTHORIZES THEFT in stores, as also seen, more recently, in California, and punishes would-be heroes working at said store? WHO WATCHES THE WATCHERS???

This user has the Right to "stand their ground" and do business with someone else, be it Anarchapulco-alumnus DaleBrown's Threat Management Center of Detroit, MyDearBobby of ex-Scotland-Yarders in the U.K., The Real-Life League of Superheroes and "Phoenix Jones", Gun Owners of America (a far better firearm-organization than the NRA, who are proponents of gun-control), The(real)ProudBoys or Oathkeepers or, heck, even the "Hell's Angels" biker club? None of these organizations extort taxes to bomb weddings and kill little girls!

How can these people think DonaldD is a supporter of Ukraine, when it's JoeBidet money-laundering there, genetic-engineer AngieJolie visiting their children there, irreverent, Hollyweird absurdist RyanReynolds collecting donations for them, Rothschild banker EmmanuelMotherLoverMacron, who quells yellow-vest protests, that doesn't want to talk to Mr.Putin, the lobsterbacks who fly the Ukraine-flag at soccer games and have long-hated the Germans and Russians, for centuries; they didn't like that Russia hid their fleet behind the Americas during the War Between the States and interfered on behalf of the Union, and who sent a homo-agent to kill Rasputin and smear him as a "mad monk" to scare the Eastern Orthodoxy, because he held the Czar's ear and he wouldn't attack Germany before they did as Soviets! It was the British who funded the Menshevik Revolutions and where KarlMarx was "educated"! It's VZ, the comedian, who acted in a movie depicting himself as NAPOLEON invading Russia! It's the brother of Mika-from-Morning-Joe who is the ambassador to cuckolded Poland, who assisted the (C)atholics-(I)n-(A)ction in sabotaging the NordStream Pipelines to frame Russia, and is using Lithuanian-reunification and the promise of manufacturing concerns leaving Germany for Poland as a carrot-on-a-stick, all to better realize ARMandHammer's dream of asset-stripping Russia and likely to install a Eastern European Union that would then merge with other Unions for a One World Order headed by a "Satan" figure! It was the Olympics who barred Russian representation. It was the Estonian PM who said civilians should be held accountable (as combatants) for their government's actions. It was JoeBlow who pulled a fast-one and got pot-headed-lesbo BrittanyGriner back from Russia in-exchange for an arms-dealer that he never honored the agreement by releasing! It was the Crimean Naval Base that was promised back to Russia after the fall of the Soviet Union that they never got and had to take and were able to do so, "without firing a single bullet", because everyone there knew it belonged to them. It was the EU that banned and labeled Russian news as illegal propaganda, and DuckDuckGo and ProtonMail that de-rank Russian news searches. It was JustineCastreau, the dyck-taker who went after the PETS of Trucker-Protestors the media had a gag-order on reporting on, that wants a No-Fly-Zone for Russian civilian planes and it was the "west" that went after Russian bank accounts! It was McDonald's and a host of other globalist-aligned corporations that pulled out of Russia, hoping to starve their people! It's the media who LIE and say Russia bombed a maternity ward and who pass off crashed U.S. airshow videos mirrored-in-reverse and still photos from sci-fi documentaries as war-journalism! That, and arming civilians with wooden, toy "guns" are NOT indicators of either a moral, nor winning, position! Ukraine is where BILLIONS of dollars were sent to, and JoeBlow had the audacity to say they were still "running out of ammnichium" (ammunition), publicly, which, if remotely true, would've been a tactical faux-paus, and where bi-sexual CIA-asset and AzovBattalion-of-REAL-neo-Nazis-backed VoldemortZelenskyy BANNED Eastern Orthodox Churches to oppress the Russian minority population in Ukraine, and where his "wife" drives around in a brand-new sports car, despite said people "running out of ammnichium" and supposedly starving! It's the Ukraine flag that shares colors with the Rothschild's family-colors, and Argentina where the Rothschilds have wineries one can buy bottles from at their local Wegmans that JavierMilei wants to join NATO (only exposing him as either someone with bad foreign policy or a complete psy-op masquerading as an AnCap), which shouldn't even exist anymore! It's control over Siberian space-cauldron defense missiles that prevent an alien invasion either from above, or control of the hollow-Earth entrance/exit at the north pole (like at the south pole) that is at-stake here! It was the trident that was a symbol of Poseidon, the same ancient alien d-bag who ruled Atlantis, that which tried to centrally-plan the world and perverted animals and enslaved humanity elsewhere, that they use as a symbol! It was friend of Poseidon, Dionysus, whose Satyr goat-men kidnapped Spartan women, that was depicted during this past Olympic opening ceremony! It was a trident, NOT A PITCHFORK, that "the devil", a goat-looking being, is depicted as wielding! It is Atlantis that is alleged to be off the coast of Ukraine and southern Russia's coastlines!

In no way, shape or form, should minarchist "MAGA"-Rebloodlicans/conservative-minded individuals think that Ukraine is somehow the "babyface" here and Russia the "heel" all the time here, especially after Democrips/Killary's bought-and-paid-for FBI, put out propaganda that alleged Russian collusion in getting DonnieDiddler (s)elected! The State does what it does to preserve itself. If JohnMcCain were to win after eight years of G.Dubya.Crowley-BushCraft, there would've been a revolution. Had Kame-Saw-Died-Killary (who took out M.Ghaddafi for wanting to go on the gold-standard-backed Pan-African currency) won after eight years of B.O., there would've been a revolution. Had DonJuan been instantly re-elected, there would've been a revolution. The State swings between sides of the UniParty every so often to preserve itself. It is a system that was intended NOT to work, only for those who wanted a system to have an illusion of one.

The world is now closer than ever before to achieving "sound money", what is needed now more than ever before (because the State demands/is fueled by "bad money"), such as by way of artificially-SCARCE, ANOMYOUS-BY-DEFAULT (because, as "The Crypto Vigilante" RafaelLaVerde said, "privacy is shelter") cryptocurrencies, thus, being able to successfully fund long-term stateless/decentralized societies and having sound arbitration and sound defense! The State and Central Banks know this and are scared! That's why they want to speed-up Agenda 21/2030 and produce CBDC "marks-of-the-Beast"! A cashless society is just a concept, it can be either good or bad. Their cashless society is bad, however, the libertarian/AnCap cashless society is good, because these coins are artificially-scarce and anonymous-by-default. Gold/precious-metals are nary more than a side-step better than fiat linen-bills, whose farmland could be better used to raise crops to feed people, because gold/metal can be irradiated (a la the plot of the villain in "Goldfinger") and, allegedly, also used to heal atmospheres.

"The U.S." is different from "America". The prior is a gang-of-men, the latter is an abstract concept; an idea. Try to remember that differentiation going forward muh man! All of these migration problems were/are caused BY the State and Central Banks and would NOT be a problem in "AnCapistan"! Period.

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[Response to this reply, part 1]

Not at the expense of this user's Rights such as their freedom-of-movement.

Let this user ask yuh some questions:

In such a worldview, is a cross-continental wall and/or such documentation required for travel between such arbitrary lines not indicative of a welfare-state in-and-of-itself?

Who pays for such things as the aforementioned wall? Mexico? How can Mexico pay for something (as DonnieDiddler promised on his initial campaign trail) that they do not want, and when the MXN Peso is but a mere FRACTION of the USD at around 1/20th the value? If such a construct coasts "X" amount of dollars, it would then cost X*(X/20)! Does Mexico have the much and would it then ruin their economy to pay for such a construct, leading to even FURTHER desire for such migration and revenge against those who they believe ruined their economy with such a demand, engendering an increase in probability for the propensity for violence?

What of the animal migrations, such as snakes, that will then head into urban areas due to the increased presence in the desert, leading to an increase in snake-bites and envenomation? What about those who raise goats and cannot afford a fence and they cause further desertification from a lack of extra grass to eat elsewhere on either side of said communal border, disallowing time for home-vegetation to grow before being eaten?

In the U.S., most farmland is located (unfortunately) in "blue-states", such as Peter-Buttplug's Iowa, home to a "tranny-family" (narcissistic child abuser and her children), and, oh, so, conveniently where FarmerKillGates sprays who-knows-what for depopulation (this being especially concerning in the age of "human-sludge-fertilizer", a la "Soylent Green"). What if a farmer in a so-called "red state" wishes to compete with such monopolists, however, due to the more arid climate, requires more than twice as much acreage in order to do so, and the government decides to cut part of that off with its wall? Power to farm (non-GMO) crops and raise non-corn-and-who-knows-what-else unvaccinated cows is then concentrated back to PeterButtplug and his "soyboy" agenda (and this user says that as an avowed vegetarian, but that doesn't mean most mainstream synthetic-meats and soy-based meals aren't chemical-nightmares that aren't good for people).

IF said "American cult-ure" is SOOO GREAT...why, then, would it not be allowed to diffuse into Mexico? One cannot speak out of both sides of their mouth and have their cake and eat it too. It is the action of someone who only says it is better than Latin culture (which, by the way, along with the Mediterranean cultures, does NOT tolerate the androgynous/transgender agendas as a binary worldview of masculinity and femininity is engrained into their very languages and these people were NOT raised to hate themselves and possess "white-liberal-guilt", as GusDemos said at this past Dollar Vigilante Summit preceding Anarchapulco 2024), but doesn't actually believe it, because it is hiding behind a wall, unable to diffuse and convert Mexicans into Americans.

It's the Deep State, alphabet-soup, agencies that trash outlying economies and set-up banana-republics for their own gain that leads to the crash of pesos abroad, leading to the desire to migrate to a better future where the local currency is stronger. WHO THE HELL ARE THEY to write "good for all debts public....AND PRIVATE" on their bills, by the way?

It is the State that says people can't discriminate based on whatever they want, like gender/sex, or race/ethnicity, in academics and in certain businesses. JackPhillips need not "bake the cake" for those he does not wish to accept patronage from! Otherwise, with this DEI agenda, one is NOT the proprietor of their own business, they are merely a facilitator/operator for the State/a sociopathic-narcissist! If Prof. MichaelRectenwald wants to found his own university, and, for mere example, only accept white/Caucasian students, that's his own, dang, business!

From a tactical/military-standpoint: Should the Chi-Coms choose to invade from Mexico (although it'd behoove them to do so from Kanadastan where they already have more of their people and more friendly blue-states to pass through) as alarmist-Drumpf-supporters theorize....wouldn't a "No Man's Land" be more advantageous than spending so much on infrastructure that all the aforementioned OpFor have to do is reach and park next to in order to successfully lay siege to the U.S.? Because U.S. forces won't want to bomb their brand-new, expensive and taxpayer-funded, cross-continental wall in order to hit their targets, so, in essence, air-support is completely neutralized! Also, if that allows for forward-commands to be built for the OpFor, that pushes back any air-support that does arrive, because planes would have to be launched from further in the interior to lessen the risk of being shot-down by AA turrets/stinger-missiles/etc., because if they launched from just behind the wall, they risk not being high enough in altitude to evade flak from below, and if they did launch from the interior, it'd take them that much longer just to get there, to their targets, and that many more Americans would die because of that!

YES, the State, such as CreepySleepy"Scranton"Joe"PedoPete"(by his son, Cocaine-Hunter)Bidet and Killary"The Kannibal"Klin-ton and BarackHusseinSoetoroDavisKissingerO'Dronebummuh, the Nobel Peace Prize "winner" without a single-day of peace in his reign-of-terror that included the ability to arrest and imprison anyone at any time for no good reason into law, as DaveSmith pointed out, all artificially bring in these people for votes and "The Kalergi Plan", everyone knows this! Am not defending this and it's not a lack of knowledge of it, it's a dispute over the solution to this that libertarian/AnCap-minded individuals, such as this user, and the more paleocon/minarchist/DonJuan-Rebloodlicans or "conservatives" disagree over! What do they actually think they're "conserving"? "Conservation" is NOT the same as "preservation". "Conservation" is just laying off killing one's target until they repopulate! "Liberalism" is getting involved in the lives of other people, even without their permission (namely, even), and, if anything, all of the aforementioned are a lot closer to socialists/Leftists/liberals than libertarian/AnCap-minded individuals are!

They ALSO think they're entitled to the fruits of another's labor, when they're NOT! They ALSO want to bomb people and secure fake-countries in the middle-east, they just differ, or pretend to differ, over the number and locations and times to do such bombing of weddings where little girls are killed!

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Jul 12Liked by Michael Rectenwald

Very well said. You have summarized in one short piece everything that ails us.... now for the cure!

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How do you feel about (Thomas) Jefferson in regards to the state? ⏤ the way I've come to understand it, [the state], is that it is a mechanism set up outside of one's self, so as to give perspective, or dimension, to one's problems ⏤ that is, if you are experiencing a problem in your tribe or your family, that it makes sense to objectify this problem, so as not to exploit or extort it for personal ends; in other words, it is a detractor, or subtractor, for circumstances that will not solve on their own; though creating its own problems, and requiring its own fixation ⏤ (as being necessarily evil or what have you) ⏤

disclaimer; I don't use this email, so as I am to check it periodically, given the random domain of email, I may or may not see it [any response to this statement] ⏤

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Aug 20·edited Aug 20

What it is that is being described in the first part yuh posted about, how the State is an outside magnifier to give individuals perspective on their problems in relation to others in the world....that's the free market, NOT the State!

"The State" is defined as being the (namely/eventually coercive) monopoly (all of which are artificial and NOT Natural; neither a psycho, nor a supernova, nor a black hole have a monopoly on death in the Universe) on: credit (tokens-of-faith in one's labor), arbitration (minting and interpretation of private property contracts), and defense (enforcement and protection of said contracts and personal wellness) over a given region.

As H.L.Mencken wrote, the State is nary more than a "gang of men" engaged in an "advance auction sale of stolen goods" mainly for popularity, but also, possibly, for depopulation and personal resource reallocation.

It is in the market, with free market forces dictating prices of goods and services, that one can find the true scope of their problems and perspective on how to deal with them!

Since DISQUS allots for more text space than substack does, one could read this user expound upon this issue more under the doctor's article on this on his personal website: https://www.michaelrectenwald.com/essays/immigration-crisis-crossing-border-insanity

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