Jul 16Liked by Michael Rectenwald

Excellent essay, mb! 😍 👏 Thank you for including a link to a CLG News story, too! 🙂

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Jul 16Liked by Michael Rectenwald

Well done, Micheal, your analysis was so succinct that I joined as a paid subscriber. The application of the dialectic in combination with Political Ponerology is appreciated. Regrettably there will be many people that will not take the time to grasp the importance of your analysis. They are of a contemporary class that very educated and know much about many things, but not so much about themselves.

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Thank you!

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What was it about?

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Bonnell is just having his bloodlust too stimulated to keep his innately evil jewish nature under wraps.

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Islamics by definition follow the teachings of Muhammad. Muhammad calls for genocide of the jews. It's common to pretend otherwise but I'm making a statement of fact not opinion. There's a lot else wrong with Muhammad and Islamics but that's enough.

Once someone targets you openly for death isn't killing them self defense? Genocide comes from genos, like genetics. Not religion. Religion is a choice... If you choose genocide being taken out by those you seek to kill isn't murder. It's self defense. Yet palatine attacks and calls for peace then breaks truces and plays victim. Let them go. No one mourns the solicits. Where is the outrage for the Spanish over the Aztec? Could it be the culture that filled pits with mya blue paint just with sacrificing their own was a bit violent? History shows thousands of years of these Byzantine Rejects refusing to become civilized. Let them go.

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Let me make it painfully simple for you because you clearly didn't have the time to read.

Reverse genocide is not genocide.

Reverse Racism is certainly racism, but reverse genocide is self-defense. If you'd like to meet me on the points and actually have a conversation great we can talk about this otherwise you're just spouting rhetoric and I don't have any time for that.

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The Lancet recently estimated that upwards of 186,000 people will have been killed in the Gaza Strip by the IDF. I don't have time to break through the thickets of hasbara.

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9300 maximum civilian casualties based on the demographic of Gaza. Better than Obama by orders of magnatude.

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OK you're completely uniformed. Never mind.

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Here, look. Obama managed the inverse figure on some of these individual strikes. 95% civilians rather than 5% at most by definition. With fair warning to get out if you aren't aligned with evil. Sorry but to worry about Gaza as an American is silly.


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You still don't get it. That's 5% of your number back at you beacuse 95% of the population is declared Islamic. If you can't address the idea that Islam calls for the death of Jews I pity you. Uninformed. No you are.

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You really just uncritically swallow everything the cable news jews tell you, don't you?

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Thank you for this response and showing your true colors. People like you keep saying they anti-zionism is not antisemitism. But you quickly blame the Jews, not the Israelis. Because, you are in fact, an antisemite.

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Oh look yet another person making comments that could be applied to literally anything. Do you know what your responding to? do you actually have a criticism or just empty rhetorical nonsense?

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I don’t know I found these articles so focused on being antisemetic!

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There are only two types of people in the world: antisemites, and gullible, stupid boomers.

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