Excellent essay, mb! 👏 😍 You were first to predict what was happening w. these "governmentalities" and encroaching totalitarianism in "Google Archipelago." 💯

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These totalitarians need to be further exposed by their own arrogance!

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I experienced full-on censorship when my PhD supervisor and college canceled my Ph.D. studies on Quebec's lockdown measures from Hannah Arendt's totalitarianism perspective:



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I think what I'm experiencing is similar (or close) to what you discuss in two of your influential books: Beyond Woke and Springtime for Snowflakes.

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Very, very concerning!

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Question (as rhetorical as it may seem): By what rightful authority does the EC/EU claim in order to substantiate their proposed strangle hold on the dissemination of information on the global stage via the internet?... Answer: Unless I am mistaken (and that will have to be objectively proven), they have no rightful authority, and rely solely on the thinly veiled pretense of "might makes right"... Therefore, I say: Phuck 'em and feed them fish heads.

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