The USA is not capable of a honest election and is a third world country; we need impartial international supervision of our elections.


Emanual Pastreich for President 2024

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No 100 mile free zone for the USA constitution. Whomever this spooner fellow is; he can kiss my ass. We have given all to these pedophile bastard war mongers. Fuck the government and fuck any canceling of the bill of rights for any 100 mile zones anyplace in America.

Thumbs Down to the idea by anyone of canceling the constitution in even an inch of America.

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If you don’t want to abide by the US Constitution and Bill of Rights, then pack your shit and get out of the USA. You don’t have any right to live on the land of the USA and enjoy the benefits of USA society without paying your share of taxes and doing your duties as someone living within the borders of the USA and receiving the protection of the USA military, law enforcement, and judicial system.

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Where in the Bill of Rights is your assertion, “freedom to hold property without molestation by the State” written?


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The Fourth Amendment

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Perhaps you should actually read the Fourth Amendment and especially the word, “unreasonable.”

Amendment IV

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

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If you can’t appreciate living under the USA’s government of a Constitutional Federal Republic, if you can’t appreciate the Liberty & Rights afforded to you by the Bill of Rights as a US citizen, if you can’t appreciate the security and safety and privacy afforded to you by the US military, law enforcement, and judicial system, then please move your unappreciative loathsome disrespectful sorry ass out of the USA and go live somewhere that suits your delusional fantasy dream!

P.S. Are you aware that paying taxes is another control mechanism to remove currency from the economy and reduce inflation?

How To End The Federal Reserve & Erase The National Debt


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9-11 X 23 = speechless and appalled


Emanuel Pastreach for President 2024

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Ever notice that the new “One World” Trade Center rises 1776-feet high, looks like two open-ended four-sided pyramids with one pyramid inverted and lowered onto the bottom pyramid, and across the street is the new Oculus “All Seeing Eye” building?

Eerie coincidence, or another display of the Rothschild’s Illuminati that was founded on May Day, May 1, 1776?

See also the Rothschilds Opus One Winery that was built to look like a Masonic Compass & Square:


One World Trade Center:




One World Trade Center & Oculus & 911 Memorial:



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