Jun 9Liked by Michael Rectenwald

I have to confess that my first impression was that you lacked the charisma at a microphone that some of the other candidates had (though some of the other ones had a steep learning curve as well). Having been in the classroom myself, I know it's a different animal being in a classroom and on a debate stage.


I do think you improved steadily throughout the campaign, and I do think you crushed the last debate, winning it easily.

I do think you'll be a more effective libertarian (both capital-L and lower-case-L) going forward because of that experience you had. And I wish you well, and hope you don't become a stranger.

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Jun 9Liked by Michael Rectenwald

LIBERTY isn't boring and I found you to be quite animated. You can please some of the people, some of the time, but you cannot please all of the people all of the time. I am so grateful for your sacrifices to the cause of Liberty! Thank you!

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Jun 10Liked by Michael Rectenwald

By the end of the campaign, the top 4 candidates were rhetorically anarchocapitalists, and that is due to your work. Thank you, Rec.

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Jun 10Liked by Michael Rectenwald

And only one of the four started as such (you).

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Jun 10Liked by Michael Rectenwald

I enjoy reading your posts

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Jun 9Liked by Michael Rectenwald

I could understand the initial "boring" argument from people, mostly because of your introverted nature and the whole process being a new challenge for you...BUT...if then the person was unwilling to A) check you out more, and B) listen deeper to the content of your interactions, then they are just being purposefully or ignorantly dismissive. I clearly saw your ability to connect to individuals on some of the X Spaces discussions. You were not pandering or engaging in cookie cutter platitudes when doing so, unlike every other candidate. Only Vivek for the GOP could even come close to this level of sincere one-on-one. I guess to me, and most Mises Caucus people, the substance of the message was more exciting than manufactured energy ever could be.

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My friendly advice is move on and skip the “What Happened” tour.

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Thanks for the advice. Indeed, I probably will suspend the publication of the memoir here and instead publish essays of the kind published here and on my website: MichaelRectenwald.com.



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Awesome. You’ve got a lot to offer the cause of liberty (and radical decentralization). Looking forward to it.

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