Jun 5·edited Jun 5Liked by Michael Rectenwald


My Mama was born in 1919, she was 40 when I was born, she was a wonderful Mama and a great mentor. She had four children, and I was the baby and by the time I came along, she had done her due diligence and she had tried on every political hat and every political organization she could find; the John Birch Society was just one of many. She had never worked in a professional environment and really didn't know anything about the internet or email but years ago and some of you may remember "WebTV", well I talked her into giving it a try and I purchased everything and set her up so she could email her elected officials. I explained how email worked and that she would need her own email address. I gave her a few hours to think about it and she chose, "getusoutoftheUN", it was befitting of where she stood politically, and it was very befitting of everything you mentioned in Chapter 3.

In 1964, at the age of four, I sat on the floor of my grandparents' home and watched diligently to see if I could spot her in Charlotte, NC at the Goldwater campaign. My Mama was a Goldwater Girl. She loved Liberty and Freedom more than life. I had not discovered the Libertarian Party and neither had she, but she would have loved the LP and further loved the Mises Caucus.

When she died on 12/24/2009, I went thru her personal belongings along with my two sisters, I wanted all of her books, my sisters had zero interest.

My Mama was a very frugal woman, and limited means and I went through her bank statements and discovered many, many checks she had written to various organizations that she felt were fighting the good fight. I sat in the floor and wept, my sisters asked me why I was crying, every 10.00 check, in the memo field, had one word in all capital letters, FREEDOM. I kept all of those checks as a reminder to me to never give up the fight for individual liberty.

Not a day goes by that I don't wish I could sit down with her and tell her how much of an impact she had on my life in general, but specifically for shaping and molding my political beliefs. She was a woman, way ahead of her time. She would have no doubt loved your story and how you came to Liberty. I would also tell her, "Mama I'm a Rectenwald Girl!" You have inspired me beyond measure.

We must never lose hope, never lose our faith and when all else fails, we will know that we never gave up the fight to restore what we did not cherish, our freedom and our liberty. Our government seeks to devour what is left of us. Never surrender, never give up, hope and faith are all that is remaining. Future generations are depending on us, and many are not awake to what has happened and continues to happen every day.

As I write this, tears are streaming down my face, I hope and pray I have done her proud. #RecTheRegime #StayHighOnLiberty #EndTheInsanity

Thank you Dr. Rectenwald for your personal sacrifices to stand in the gap for so many who never knew your name!

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Thanks so much for this very moving narrative about your mother, Marty!

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Jun 2Liked by Michael Rectenwald

I learned a new word. Emend (verb): make corrections or improvements to (a text)

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I disagree

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With what, exactly, pray tell?

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