May 31Liked by Michael Rectenwald

I thought for sure you’d be the LP nominee. I am genuinely sorry that things went down the way they did. I’m a Trump supporter and knew absolutely nothing about the LP before I started following you on X. I have great respect for you and I wish you well.

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Jun 2Liked by Michael Rectenwald

Alfa here.

I was there on the convention floor as this all unfolded. It was an unusual turn of events. The betrayal of Mike Ter Maat at the last minute was an absolute establishment style politician dirty move.

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May 31Liked by Michael Rectenwald

I appreciate everything you have done for the liberty movement. I hope that continues inside and outside the LP. I think the Mises Caucus vision is still a valuable one. The Republican Party is way more far gone than the LP.

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May 31Liked by Michael Rectenwald

Stay strong, Michael.

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Jun 1Liked by Michael Rectenwald

You are a true voice of LIBERTY. Never back down, never wither, you have a destiny that you may not even recognize at this juncture. Carry on. You suffered a defeat and have maliciously been maligned unfortunately by people who aren't aware of what actually happened. Thank you for sharing the truth, always. You have my admiration and respect.

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Thank you Marty!

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May 31Liked by Michael Rectenwald

You’re intelligence speaks for itself. Then add strength and conviction to your demeanor, in your character and tone. I’m going to file what happened under “when second place actually makes you the winner, considering the “winner”. (I hope this is perceived the way I intend to.)

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May 31Liked by Michael Rectenwald

*omg “your” dammit

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Jun 2Liked by Michael Rectenwald

OMG I wish you had won, Michael.

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What gummy? I heard on Tom Woods show yesterday that you got high before giving your speech. True? If so, what a shame.

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Jun 1Liked by Michael Rectenwald

He was very nervous and he ate a gummy to relax him but it was way too strong. I’m wondering who gave him the gummy and was he intentionally sabotaged.

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This is true. I thought it was a CBD gummy, not 100 mg of THC.

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That's really unfortunate. I'm sorry.

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As much as I love Tom Woods, he didn't have enough pertinent info about the delegate voting process, so I doubt he had the right info on the "gummy".

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Jun 1Liked by Michael Rectenwald

It wasn't Tom. It was one of his guests, Dan McCarthy on Ep. 2497 who said it. Tom didn't comment about it bc he said he wasn't there.

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Yes, I listened to it. Dan was particularly clueless, but Tom didn't know either. I guess I thought you meant Tom said it.

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That's why I wanted to clear it up. I might also mention for those who did not hear the show that Tom made a point of saying he had a lot of respect and admiration for Michael.

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Ditto. Always pleasant cleaning up assumptions. Yes yes, I was happy to see Jeff and Tom defend their friend , while not slamming their other friend. I've never been a fan of McCarthy, but a lot of that is his tone.

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I'm showing myself to the door; good luck with the shitshow; I've been proud to call myself Libertarian for the last couple of years, but this is a joke now- and not the "ha-ha" kind. I won't be associated with someone like Oliver and the ridiculous platform he purports. Good luck with that...

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So did you consume the infamous gummy knowingly, or did you get roofied by the competition?

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More gummy more problems

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Yet another blown opportunity by the ridiculous LP, which is a deserved laughingstock and whose very existence is deleterious to the liberty movement.

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Libertarianism - everyone is a boss and there are no workers !o!

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