Per Pareto, we may be witnessing a circulation of elites, with the authoritarian leftist (woke) elite being replaced by a new elite, including people like Elon Musk, et al. What is a good moniker for this new elite, if so? How about, per Jeff Deist, the Counter Elites?
If indeed we have a new elite, then wokeness is history, including woke imperialism, the worldwide imposition of “our democratic values” via militarism.
If so, then “progressive” economics (government interventionism, regulatory stranglehold, monetarism etc.) should also be history, to be replaced by Austrian School economics.
If so, then a massive reduction in the federal government must follow (¡afuera!), as well as the end to the Federal Reserve.
If so, where will this elite stand on Gazacide, on Israel wagging the dog, etc. Will this elite expunge the Israel-first contingent? Will it make AIPAC register as a foreign agent?
I'm not asking for much—just that the new elite RecTheRegime.
I’m also asking you to become a paid subscriber. I’m not going to cry poor mouth, but this is one of my main revenue streams since losing my Hillsdale Distinguished Fellowship, my previous publisher, and my Mises Institute podcast—all because I ran for office as a Libertarian. I greatly prefer annual subscriptions. Thank you to all those who have subscribed or will subscribe. I’ll be pumping out articles, fiction, and more. Thank you!
Certainly, I feel a strong commitment to help. We’re part of a steadily growing community affected by 'woke' culture [], which is why I became a paid subscriber.
I like your article and I won't say I'm not hopeful. My expectations are low, though. Trump has shown some good instincts here and there, but he is NOT a libertarian by any stretch of the imagination. However, if we make our voices loud and known, then we might see movement in the right direction.